Difficulty in Teaching in the Preparation of Design Process for Students of Chemical Engineering: a Case Study at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Figueiredo, M.A.G.
Figueiredo, M.G.R.G.
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Figueiredo M., Figueiredo M., 2012, Difficulty in Teaching in the Preparation of Design Process for Students of Chemical Engineering: a Case Study at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, 1603-1608.
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Actually in Brazil, a labor market development is process designs area. The growth of oil exploration activity with the advent of pre-salt associated with the proposed installation of new generating plants, such as the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro State (COMPERJ) is requiring in the market, chemical engineers with profile is associated with a development project process.
The Chemical Engineering Courses (CE), in general, requires the trainee, a final course project. This project, in most institutions, it aims to consolidate all the knowledge gained in the implementation of the course, a practical applicability. Some projects address the study of a particular industry segment, as the area of medications, others involve more specific matters that, although linked to the area of Chemical Engineering, does not translate in an objective way, the learner's level of knowledge in different disciplines provided along the course. In terms of training, legislation (Resolution no. 019/06) related to higher education, provides 3600 h of average duration for the Chemical Engineering course, and to meet this requirement, various disciplines have been eliminated or reduced . It is noted also that there is no integration between the various disciplines. Specifically, for the Project Development, the only discipline to perform this function would be Economic Evaluation of Projects involving cost studies associated with a particular technology, in order to demonstrate its economic viability, through the application of Financial Mathematics. The others are fundamental; however, there isn’t a specific one that associate all others in the form of a design process.
By joining as a professor at State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) I realized that, in dealing with the teaching of industrial processes, the system adopted was to perform specific procedures without allowing the student to understand the various unit operations that constitute a industrial process. As a professional, coming from research in petroleum and petrochemical industries area and extensive experience in the development process for projects of economic feasibility studies, I sought, to teach this course, students bring the last year of course, the primary care the combination of different unit operations in order to minimize errors during the project preparation process. After being ahead of this discipline for over ten years, I noticed that, among the main difficulties that stand out are: Lack of integration between disciplines.
Lack of a more practical approach (non-use of practical examples in the areas of heat transfer, transport of fluids and other unit operations).
Lack of awareness by students of how to apply the fundamental concepts in the elaboration of a project.
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