The Oligomerisation of High Olefin Containing Hydrocarbon Fractions on Ion Exchange Resin Catalyst
Kriván, E.
Tomasek, S.
Hancsók, J.
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Kriván E., Tomasek S., Hancsók J., 2014, The Oligomerisation of High Olefin Containing Hydrocarbon Fractions on Ion Exchange Resin Catalyst, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 745-750.
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Nowadays there is an increasingly important issue in refineries to increase the gasoline / middle distillate flexibility because of the ever-changing motor fuel demands. One possible way is to oligomerize light olefins (3-6 carbon atoms). There is a further advantage of the oligomerization technology that with the hydrogenation of the olefin-isoolefin mixture, formed as an intermediate product, high paraffin-isoparaffin containing products can be produced. In our experimental work we investigated the conversion possibilities with oligomerization of the C4-C6 olefin content of light FCC and more fractions with different composition on acidic ion exchange resin catalyst. The favourable application temperature of the ionexchange catalyst was 120-130 °C (P= 30 bar, LHSV= 1.0 h-1). The available olefin conversion was alsoinfluenced by the composition of the feedstock. We achieved the best olefin conversion in the case of the feedstock with highest olefin content (olefin conversion: 91.5 %, C12+ selectivity: 31.2 %).
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