Utilization of Emissions of CO<sub>2</sub> by Production of Mineral Fertilizers
Mingaleeva, G.R.
Nikolaev, A.N.
Shamsutdinov, E.V.
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Mingaleeva G., Nikolaev A., Shamsutdinov E., 2014, Utilization of Emissions of CO2 by Production of Mineral Fertilizers, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1117-1122.
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In recent years various methods of reduction of emissions of CO2 of the cement enterprises, such as use of alternative fuels, more efficient kiln process, and co-production of synthetic fuels are developing (Mikulcic, 2013). Results of research which was made for Macedonian cement works are presented in article. The special attention is paid to improvement of cement calciners as increase of their efficiency also promotes decrease in emissions of CO2 (Mikulcic, 2012). However along with change of the main technological process it is necessary to provide methods of utilization of formed CO2.
Minimization of emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere can be reached by a combination of utilization and CO2 burial in the form of mineral fertilizers or carbonates as in this case the carbon cycle becomes isolated, and the carbon extracted from bowels of the earth as a part of fuel, comes back again on initial environment. Other ways of utilization can bring some economic effect, but don't solve an environmental problem. CO2 after carrying out technological operations, as a rule, nevertheless gets to the atmosphere. Extracted CO2 can be directed on production of mineral fertilizers, in for example bicarbonate of the ammonium.
The new technology of recycling carbon dioxide contained in the emissions of cement industry, which includes the steps of purification of gases from cement dust, carbon dioxide emission through the use of highly compact vortex apparatus and recycling to produce effective fertilizer - ammonium bicarbonate, which has better performance compared to the traditionally used in agriculture economy of ammonium nitrate. The technological scheme of the process of separation carbon dioxide gas and production of ammonium bicarbonate worked out.
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