Description of the Overall Mass Transport during Membrane Gas Separation
Nagy, E.
Hegedüs, I.
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How to Cite

Nagy E., Hegedüs I., 2014, Description of the Overall Mass Transport during Membrane Gas Separation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 42, 43-48.
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Concentration polarization has often been observed in membrane gas separation when there is an accumulation of the less permeable species and a depletion of the more permeable components in the boundary layer of the fluid phase as a result of high fluxes of solute and selectivity and low bulk diffusion. The theoretical prediction of the negative effect of the mass transfer resistance of the boundary layer is crucial in order to be able to calculate the separation efficiency of a gas separation. Models developed in order to describe the mass transport during gas separation enable the user to calculate under what operating conditions the best separation efficiency can be reached. Case study illustrates how these expressions can be applied for prediction of the separation efficiency of a membrane gas separation process applying rubbery polymer membrane. Comparing the theoretical data to that of the experimental it was proved that the model results are in good agreement with that of the experimental ones.
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