Control System of Zinc-air Battery Continuous Power Generation Device Based on Microcontroller
Xiao, Y.J.
Zhang, Q.Q.
Zhu, N.
Zhao, H.C.
Chen, Z.P.
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How to Cite

Xiao Y., Zhang Q., Zhu N., Zhao H., Chen Z., 2016, Control System of Zinc-air Battery Continuous Power Generation Device Based on Microcontroller, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 51, 61-66.
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The zinc-air battery with high energy, no pollution, stable discharge voltage and other unique advantages (Li et al. ,2011), in order to solve the problem of zinc electrode self-discharge, the zinc-air battery based on continuous device control system is designed, and the experimental study is carried out. The control device is composed of an unwinding mechanism, a rolling mechanism, transmission mechanism, positive and negative polar terminations and other mechanical structure, after analyzing the functional requirements of power generation device and determining the controlled objects, the overall control scheme of the experimental device is established. Using PIC16F877A microcontroller, stepper motor and its drive, relay, photoelectric encoder, the MCGS touch screen, etc. Stepper motor control drive system based on position feedback and speed feedback based of microcontroller is constructed. For stepper motor at low speed running state, study the control algorithm. By collecting and recording the battery discharge voltage, discharge current and the electrolyte temperature, the speed of the coil is adjusted, the steady control of the stepper motor is realized, and the purpose of stable power generation is achieved (Lu et al., 2012).
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