Fuzzy Hierarchy Synthesis Evaluation of Water Supply & Drainage Talents Based on CDIO
He, F.
Zhu, L.
Chen, W.
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He F., Zhu L., Chen W., 2016, Fuzzy Hierarchy Synthesis Evaluation of Water Supply & Drainage Talents Based on CDIO, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 51, 649-654.
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CDIO engineering education mode is the successful model of the reformation of engineering education. According to the training objectives and curriculum system of water supply & drainage, evaluation index system is proposed based on CDIO standard. The weight of each evaluation factor is calculated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The evaluation model is established based on multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. A university graduate is used for case study. The last score is 82.75. The score is in accordance with the actual situation of the student. The results show that it is feasible to use AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for evaluating comprehensive quality of graduates in water supply & drainage practiced the CDIO engineering education.
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