Design and Realization of Embedded System in Dangerous Chemical Warehouse Monitoring System
Xiao, J.
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How to Cite

Xiao J., 2016, Design and Realization of Embedded System in Dangerous Chemical Warehouse Monitoring System, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 55, 481-486.
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Dangerous chemical storage warehouse is one of the important links in the production safety of chemical enterprises. It stores a lot of raw materials, intermediates, finished products, etc., which leading to dangerous chemical warehouse is the most dangerous place, besides most of the chemical raw materials are flammable, explosive, toxic or high voltage storage. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the state parameters of the raw materials and the surrounding environment of the warehouse. This paper mainly designs the embedded remote monitoring system for liquid ammonia reservoir area. The design adopts ARM processor and Linux system as the core, combined with automatic positioning technology, modern sensing technology, to real-time monitoring the chemical parameters such asstorage pressure, storage level, ammonia concentration, temperature and others of liquid ammonia reservoir. The research results are of great practical significance for the establishment of the remote monitoring system and the dangerous alarm mechanism in the scattered dangerous chemical reservoir area.
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