Implementation of State-feedback Controller on Quadruple Tank Modified I System
Sutikno, J.P.
Handogo, R.
Arifin, I.
Rahayu, S.P.
Putra, V.D.
Fauzan, N.
Hisyam, A.
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Sutikno J., Handogo R., Arifin I., Rahayu S., Putra V., Fauzan N., Hisyam A., 2017, Implementation of State-feedback Controller on Quadruple Tank Modified I System, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 853-858.
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In general, industrial processes are multi-variable process, and are affected by the disturbances which may be detrimental to the process. The application of conventional control systems is often unable to cope with linear problems and obstacles associated to industrial processes. It produces poor performance while the market is demanding a better production quality. It is necessary to provide a more reliable control system to satisfy the demand. Model-based control system is considered to be able to offer a better performance for industrial problem solving. This study aims to make a comparison between close-loop responses for PID, State- Feedback and State-Feedback Lead-Lag Controller. The transfer function of the model for obtaining the tuning of Ziegler Nichols and Detuning McAvoy is acquired by doing step-test on open-loop system. It is concluded from the simulation that, at minimum phase, based on IAE, PID controller with Ziegler Nichols, tuning shows a better performance compared to both state-feedback controllers, particularly in level control. PID with Detuning McAvoy shows best performance for temperature control.
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