Experimental Study on Durability of FRP Tendon under Acid - Base Erosion in Civil Engineering
Zhu, Shaoru
Hu, Fan
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Zhu S., Hu F., 2017, Experimental Study on Durability of FRP Tendon under Acid - Base Erosion in Civil Engineering , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 59, 397-402.
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The use of new corrosion resistant materials can improve the durability of the structure. This material can solve the serious problem of steel corrosion, and can effectively extend the useful life of the project, thereby saving resources. This paper studies the durability of CFRP tendon under acid and alkali corrosion, and reveals the variation of CFRP tendon under the action of corrosion, so as to provide theoretical basis for the durability design of CFRP tendon. In this case, reasonable structural durability theory and design can be determined, and work efficiency of FRP tendon in harsh conditions can be guaranteed.This paper studies the durability of CFRP tendon, analyses the durability of CFRP tendon in acid and alkali conditions, and proposes effective schemes to carry out reliable test process. Firstly, under room temperature, the corrosion test was carried out in the NaOH solution (0.2mol/L, 0.1mol/L, and 0.05mol/L). The water absorption and mass loss of the CFRP tendon were measured. Based on the data extraction and analysis, the corrosion mechanism of FRP tendon under alkaline erosion was found. Secondly, under room temperature, under room temperature, the corrosion test was carried out in the HCL solution (0.2mol/L, 0.1mol/L, and 0.05mol/L). The water absorption and mass loss of the CFRP tendon were measured. Based on the data extraction and analysis, the corrosion mechanism of FRP tendon under alkaline erosion was found. Finally, under room temperature, the corrosion test was carried out in the chemical medium HCI solution and NaOH solution, and the tensile strength of the CFRP tendon was measured at 60d and 120d respectively. The law of corrosion of CFRP tendon can be obtained under the data collected by the test.
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