Effects of Silicone Carbide and Its Additive Amount on Diamond Bit Property
Wang, Jialiang
Wei, Wenjie
Zhang, Shaohe
Peng, Fenfei
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How to Cite

Wang J., Wei W., Zhang S., Peng F., 2018, Effects of Silicone Carbide and Its Additive Amount on Diamond Bit Property, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 805-810.
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To improve the diamond bit property, this paper studies the influencing mechanism of silicon carbide (SiC) and its additive amount on diamond bit; in the study, firstly, the SiC particles in different weight percentage were added in the matrix, then the drilling bit was fabricated, and finally the indoors drilling test was made. The results show that proper concentration of SiC particles can improve the synchronic wear property of diamond bit and matrix; at the additive amount 5.5% (wt%), the drilling efficiency increases by 55% as compared with the conventional bit; besides, compared with the diamond particles, the SiC-impregnated force by matrix is limited, so it can be more easily peeled off to form a pit on the matrix surface, which helps to increase the specific pressure of bit’s crown (bit) and further promote the micro-wears morphology of matrix; at last, the free-state SiC residue on hole bottom can on one hand has a sharpening effect on the single-particle diamond in matrix to increase the diamond protrusion height and improve the machinability of single-particle diamond, on the other hand, it can enhance the solid component, promoting the erosive effect of flushing fluid on matrix.
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