What is Role of Different Type of Pollution in TFP Growth? -Empirical Research in China
Chen, Rong
Deng, Lanfang
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Chen R., Deng L., 2018, What is Role of Different Type of Pollution in TFP Growth? -Empirical Research in China, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 319-324.
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This paper using the provincial data 1996-2012 examines the effect of pollution on the economic growth. The result based on the fixed effect and 2SLS model indicate that, no mater what kind of pollutants, there exist nonlinear relationship between pollution and TFP. However, this type relationship is not consistent in different regions once we estimate the model in east, central and west region separately. More specifically, the CO2 pollution has larger negative influence on the TFP in the more developed east regions. But the industrial effluents have larger negative effect in west regions.
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