Analysis on Transaction Cost Control Model of Sewage Disposal Right Based on Environmental Protection
Xie, Zhiqin
Xue, Hui
Xie, Yuchen
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How to Cite

Xie Z., Xue H., Xie Y., 2018, Analysis on Transaction Cost Control Model of Sewage Disposal Right Based on Environmental Protection, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 71, 643-648.
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Pollution-discharge right trading system is developed as a new method for control environmental pollution based on market mechanism. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the pollution discharge rights and its trade system, reveals the five major factors that determine the discharge trade costs in the sewage plants, they are the total sewage right, the initial price, the discharge trade mode, the market demand and the available limit for discharge right trade. Given the above, a pollution-discharge right trade cost control model is built based on the environmental protection, and tested in a real situation, for example, a sewage plant in the Yellow River Basin, in order to check whether it is accurate. The results show that the pollution-discharge right trade can make the environmental resources redistribute and maximize the economic and social benefits of the interested parties, thus providing the clues to controlling the sewage discharge trade cost.
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