Remote Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals
Li, Yang
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How to Cite

Li Y., 2018, Remote Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 71, 739-744.
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With the acceleration of China’s industrialization process, the production and transportation of hazardous chemicals have increased dramatically. The related safety management departments of government and enterprises have paid more attention to the safety issue in the process of hazardous chemicals logistics. However, the serious accidents in the field of hazardous chemicals logistics still occur frequently, bringing great threats to economic and social security and people’s lives. Therefore, it has become the biggest challenge facing China’s hazardous chemicals industry on how to safely monitor and transport hazardous chemicals. For this, this paper proposes a remote monitoring system for hazardous chemicals transport vehicles based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). In this system, the wireless sensor nodes are used to monitor the temperature of hazardous chemicals, vehicle attitude and tire pressure, and simulation of model car is made to realize the remote real-time monitoring of vehicle operating conditions.
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