Network Marketing Path and Technical Safety Guarantee of Hazardous Articles in Chemical Enterprises under Internet + Environment
Xiong, Shengmin
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Xiong S., 2018, Network Marketing Path and Technical Safety Guarantee of Hazardous Articles in Chemical Enterprises under Internet + Environment, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 71, 1189-1194.
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Chemical dangerous goods such as CH2N2, HClO4, CO, and CH are mostly toxic, inflammable and explosive, and they are likely to cause harm to the human body and the environment. Therefore, strict controls must be exercised in such areas as transportation, storage and trading. Taking the principle of TEGDN thermal decomposition reaction as an example, this paper outlines the hazards of chemical dangerous goods and the basic theory of e-commerce marketing, and then constructs a chemical dangerous goods e-commerce marketing system, and starts from the chemical dangerous goods storage, marketing and transportation, analyzes chemical industry dangerous goods e-commerce marketing key technologies and specific implementation path. The study found that in the process of marketing of chemical dangerous goods e-commerce, the storage conditions must be determined according to the scope of chemical dangerous goods storage technology requirements, key technologies should be used to manage the safety channels of chemical dangerous goods, and technical control of various transport links of chemical dangerous goods should be carried out.
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