Experimental Study of CO<sub>2</sub> Chemical Absorption Kinetics by a Thermomorphic Lipophilic Biphasic Solvent
Tristano, Daniele P.
Tinoco, Rodrigo R.
Bouallou, Chakib
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Tristano D.P., Tinoco R.R., Bouallou C., 2018, Experimental Study of CO2 Chemical Absorption Kinetics by a Thermomorphic Lipophilic Biphasic Solvent, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 55-60.
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Chemical absorption is a frequently used post-combustion process that separates CO2 from gaseous compounds of the flue gases with the use of specific solvents for which the main drawback is their cost of regeneration. In order to overcome this problem, the new Thermomorphic Lipophilic Biphasic solvents are here studied. The limited solubility of the Lipophilic amines in water offers a new degree of freedom while optimizing the global process: it is in fact possible to carry out the absorption with an initial biphasic solvent (organic, aqueous) that evolves towards a mono-phase solvent after a certain amount of CO2 is absorbed. This work aims at assessing experimentally the CO2 absorption kinetic into a Lipophilic amine based solvent, namely 3 M 1:3 DPA (dipropylamine) + DMCA (dimetylcyclohexylamine) + water using a Lewis Cell type reactor. Activation energy values obtained by the Arrhenius law show similar values for those of benchmark amines and the selected solvent seems to require less energy to start the chemical reaction.

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