Energy Optimal Scheduling Based on Smart Grid Technology Load Control Thermostat
Dong, J.D.
Sun, Z.N.
Zhou, K.H.
Fang, Y.H.
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How to Cite

Dong J., Sun Z., Zhou K., Fang Y., 2016, Energy Optimal Scheduling Based on Smart Grid Technology Load Control Thermostat, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 51, 67-72.
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In view of the present situation of large-scale centralized development of new energy sources, the necessity of new energy sources developing and the characteristics of the new energy sources are analyzed. The traditional scheduling technology support system has been unable to cope with large-scale new energy grid connected power grid operation to bring challenges. We introduces a based on multi time scale of new energy coordination optimization scheduling method, including years/ monthly new energy power plan, recently and days rolling optimal scheduling based on the ongoing promotion application of smart grid dispatching control system, the platform design and development of new energy scheduling technology support system. Weighted factor queuing algorithm allows users to choose according to their own preferences and needs of the load device response, to ensure that the control effect, but also take into account the user's comfort and fairness.
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