Quartz Flexible Accelerometer Stability Duration Prediction on Storage Condition Based on Accelerated Degradation Test
Xu, D.
Chen, Y.
Kang, R.
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Xu D., Chen Y., Kang R., 2013, Quartz Flexible Accelerometer Stability Duration Prediction on Storage Condition Based on Accelerated Degradation Test, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 33, 541-546.
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The zero bias and the scale factor which are the important parameters of the accelerometer change with temperature and time due to the influence of material degradation and residual stress changing in the process of storage and use. For studying the stability duration of the parameters of the accelerometer on the storage condition, the accelerated degradation test is designed and applied. First, through analyzing the storage section and the mechanism of parameters changing on account of the environmental stress, the type of the stress in the accelerated degradation test is determined. Moreover, the working range of the stress of the accelerometer is obtained by implementing the enhancement test. Based on the type and the range of the stress, the constant temperature accelerated degradation tests are conducted under different levels of the thermal stress. The changing tendencies of the zero bias and the scale factor of the accelerometer subjected to the thermal stress are performed, and the models of key parameters of the accelerometer changing with time are separately built under different levels of ADT. Then the pseudo life of every level of the temperature test is extrapolated by regression models according to the failure threshold. Finally, the stability duration on the normal temperature is predicted by an accelerated function and the pseudo life on the high stress.
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