Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Risk Assessment along the Italian Coastline
Astiaso Garcia, D.
Cumo, F.
Gugliermetti, F.
Rosa, F.
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Astiaso Garcia D., Cumo F., Gugliermetti F., Rosa F., 2013, Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Risk Assessment along the Italian Coastline, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 115-120.
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The main purpose of this paper is to assess the risks associated with a potential HNS spill along the Italian coastline. The methodology adopted for this report included the elaboration of a comparative index, called RHNS (Risk Hazardous Noxious Substances), based on the application of the general principles of risk management and the development of new relevant equations for calculating the three main factors involved in any risk assessment: hazard, probability and consequences. The final equation was applied to the entire Italian coastline, dividing the total 8,375,000 m into 335 coastal stretches, each measuring 25,000 m in length on which an RHNS value was calculated. All the results obtained, including the RHNS index values and the collected data regarding the amount and typology of HNS substances in transit along Italian waters or landed in individual ports, were implemented in a national GIS database. This database produced thematic maps pinpointing areas where the potential risk of HNS disaster is higher.
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