Computer Aided Evaluation of Eco-Efficiency of Refinery Combustion Process
Saavedra, J.
Merino, L.
Kafarov, V.
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Saavedra J., Merino L., Kafarov V., 2013, Computer Aided Evaluation of Eco-Efficiency of Refinery Combustion Process, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 217-222.
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The combustion becomes the mechanism to generate energy in industrial equipment such as furnaces and boilers. In terms of trends, progress and processes designed and implemented seek to increase energy efficiency, reduce pollution emissions, increase productivity and develop processes for burning gas of variable chemical composition. The recent research focuses on the implementation of operational control systems to minimize errors in operation and reducing the risks of industrial accidents. In this sense, the eco-efficiency contributes to sustainable development and competitiveness. This concept means adding more value to products and services, using less raw materials, producing less pollution through environmentally and economically efficient procedures and safety process.
This paper evaluates the combustion process using fuzzy logic, in finding methods to achieve efficient processes that harmonize with the care of the environment and ensure process safety. The criteria used in the evaluation process were energy efficiency, the amount of CO2 and stack temperature, to obtain indicators that allow the management of eco-efficient process, using approximate reasoning based on fuzzy subsets.
Comparing the simulation results with the process historical data, suggest that the index of ecoefficiency calculated describes the performance of the combustion process in furnaces of refinery.
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