Revised Kinetic Scheme for Thermal Furnace of Sulfur Recovery Units
Manenti, F.
Papasidero, D.
Ranzi, E.
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Manenti F., Papasidero D., Ranzi E., 2013, Revised Kinetic Scheme for Thermal Furnace of Sulfur Recovery Units, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 1285-1290.
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A revised, detailed kinetic scheme for the pyrolysis and oxidation of sulfur compounds is proposed and contextualized to thermal furnace of sulfur recovery units. The kinetic scheme differs from the literature schemes since its kinetic parameters accounts for the presence of light hydrocarbons, ammonia, and other species usually present in the feedstock of industrial sulfur recovery units. The scheme is validated on the literature as well as industrial data acquired from more than 10 different Claus processes.
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