Knowledge-based Approach for the Integration of the Planning and Scheduling Decision-making Levels
Zamarripa, M.
Coccola, M.
Hjaila, K.
Silvente, J.
Mendez, C.A.
Espuna, A.
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Zamarripa M., Coccola M., Hjaila K., Silvente J., Mendez C., Espuna A., 2013, Knowledge-based Approach for the Integration of the Planning and Scheduling Decision-making Levels, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 1339-1344.
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This work aims to integrate the tactical and operational decision making levels. A typical Scheduling mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model has been solved using several demand scenarios. The results have been analyzed and accordingly the operation cost vs. production levels nonlinear equations have been obtained. The aforementioned equations have been included as constraints of the SC planning problem. Hence, production, inventory and distribution variables along the complete SC have been optimized using a NLP model.
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