Spectral Analysis for Detection of Leaks in Pipes Carrying Compressed Air
Santos, R.
de Almeida W, S.
Silva, F.V.
Cruz, S.
Fileti, A.M.
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Santos R., de Almeida W S., Silva F., Cruz S., Fileti A., 2013, Spectral Analysis for Detection of Leaks in Pipes Carrying Compressed Air, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 1363-1368.
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Pipe networks constitute the means of transporting fluids widely used nowadays. Increasing the operational reliability of these systems is crucial to minimize the risk of leaks, which can cause serious pollution problems to the environment and have disastrous consequences if the leak occurs near residential areas. Considering the importance in developing efficient systems for detecting leaks in pipelines, this work aims to detect the characteristic frequencies (predominant) in case of leakage and no leakage. The methodology consisted of capturing the experimental data through a microphone installed inside the pipeline and coupled to a data acquisition card and a computer. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was used as the mathematical approach to the signal analysis from the microphone, generating a frequency response (spectrum) which reveals the characteristic frequencies for each operating situation. The tests were carried out using distinct sizes of leaks, situations without leaks and cases with blows in the pipe caused by metal instruments. From the leakage tests, characteristic peaks were found in the FFT frequency spectrum using the signal generated by the microphone. Such peaks were not observed in situations with no leaks. Therewith, it was realized that it was possible to distinguish, through spectral analysis, an event of leakage from an event without leakage.
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