Risk Assessment of the Use of Biosolids Containing Emerging Organic Contaminants in Agriculture
Roccaro, P.
Vagliasindi, F.
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Roccaro P., Vagliasindi F., 2014, Risk Assessment of the Use of Biosolids Containing Emerging Organic Contaminants in Agriculture, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 37, 817-822.
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In this study the risk analysis related to the presence of selected pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in biosolids used for land application was assessed. The target PPCPs (including antibiotics, antiepileptic, anti-depressant, and antibacterial) were selected based on the limited existing data on PPCPs occurrence in biosolids. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulation (40 CFR Part 503) was adopted to carry out the risk analysis and the reference soil/biosolid concentration (RSC, mg of contaminant per kg of sludge) was calculated under different pathways. Obtained RSC values were compared with the concentrations of the target PPCPs observed in biosolids. It seems that the health risk related to the presence of the target PPCPs in biosolids is very low. However, due to the limited information on the effects of these and other emerging organic contaminants on the environment (e.g. toxicity, ecotoxicity, increased resistance of bacteria, possible synergistic effects due to the presence of emerging organic contaminants mixture) and because of the lack of information on their occurrence in biosolids, more research is needed to better ascertain the risk related to the land application of biosolids.
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