Hydrogen Photo-Production by Mixotrophic Cultivation of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii: Interaction between Organic Carbon and Nitrogen
Altimari, P.
Di Caprio, F.
Toro, L.
Capriotti, A.L.
Pagnanelli, F.
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Altimari P., Di Caprio F., Toro L., Capriotti A., Pagnanelli F., 2014, Hydrogen Photo-Production by Mixotrophic Cultivation of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii: Interaction between Organic Carbon and Nitrogen, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 38, 199-204.
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Hydrogen photo-production by a wild type and two engineered strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was investigated. Growth rate values and hydrogen yields attained as the concentration of acetate and nitrogen vary were compared. In the analysis of microalgal growth, the interaction between organic carbon (acetate) and nitrogen (nitrate) was investigated by recourse to an experimental factorial design. This analysis evidenced the existence of a statistically significant interaction between organic carbon and nitrate. Hydrogen production was attained by cultivating microalgae previously grown in mixotrophic regime with sulphur deprived medium. The influence of varying the photobioreactor headspace on hydrogen production was investigated. This analysis revealed an increase in the hydrogen produced per unit volume of culture of about one order of magnitude when the headspace volume is modified from 100 to 350 mL. This result provides valuable indications on how to design and operate photobioreactors for hydrogen production optimization and was thoroughly discussed in terms of the metabolic pathways activated by sulphur depletion.
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