A Comparative Study of Carbon Capture for Different Power Plants
Hüser, N.
Kenig, E.Y.
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How to Cite

Hüser N., Kenig E., 2015, A Comparative Study of Carbon Capture for Different Power Plants, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 1783-1788.
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Within the EU-funded project CAPSOL, capture units for three different power plants were designed. The solvents used were aqueous amine solutions; feed compositions and main process conditions were first determined using equilibrium-based simulations. As the main evaluation criterion, reaching a CO2 absorption degree of 90 % with minimum energy requirements was selected. The equilibrium based simulations did not take real column design and internals into account. Therefore, a more rigorous, rate- based approach was used in our work to determine necessary column heights. It was shown that an absorption degree of 90 % is not always realizable and even not always required.
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