Study of Inhibiting and Temperature Effect of Phosphonate on Hard Growth Water
Bendaoud Boulahlib, Y.
Ghizellaoui, S.
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Bendaoud Boulahlib Y., Ghizellaoui S., 2016, Study of Inhibiting and Temperature Effect of Phosphonate on Hard Growth Water, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 50, 199-204.
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Hard growth water forms compact and adherent deposits to the walls of pipes and industrial or domestic installations causing enormous technical and economic consequences. Therefore, it is very important to applied chemical treatment to hard ground waters at low concentration of inhibitor in order to reduce their hardness, the negative consequences and exploit them.
In this work we used the electrochemical technique of chronoamperometry at imposed potential that determines the evolution of the reduction current of oxygen through the electrode as a function of time in the absence and presence of organic phosphate (HEDP) in water of Negrine. According to the chronoamperometric study at the source temperature of 30°C, Negrine raw water is characterized by time ofscaling (tE) of 13.5min and with a scaling index (IE = 74 min-1).Thus, we can classify water of Negrine as avery scale forming. In the presence of phosphonate inhibitor, the risk of scaling is reduced. The scaling time and the residual current increase with the addition of inhibitor and the effective concentration for the inhibition of scaling of water of Negrine is 0.1mg/L. The increase of temperature of Negrine water increases the inhibitor concentration because in the high temperature the Negrine water become more hardness.
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