Monitoring Technology of Trace Heavy Metals in Seawater Based on Spectrophotometry
Chen, J.G.
Bi, W.H.
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Chen J., Bi W., 2016, Monitoring Technology of Trace Heavy Metals in Seawater Based on Spectrophotometry, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 55, 313-318.
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This paper briefly describes the severity of the heavy metal pollution in seawater in recent years, and proposes a method for the detection of trace heavy metals in seawater based on spectrophotometric method. Establish water soluble trace Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ test system, first of all study the optimal measurementranges of each ion, and carry out the additive research. The experimental results show that Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ four kinds of metal ions total concentration is in the range of less than 1200 mu g/L and it is in agood degree; and then study the algorithm feasibility and accuracy of measurement, and compares with the ICP-OES measurement results. It also tests the performance of experiment measurement system, and the measurement results have good consistency.
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