Developing Teamwork Skills among First Year Chemical Engineering Students using Cooperative Problem-Based Learning in “Introduction to Engineering” Course
Samsuri, N.S.
Yusof, K.M.
Jumari, N.F.
Zakaria, Z.Y.
Hassan, H.
Che Man, S.H.
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Samsuri N., Yusof K., Jumari N., Zakaria Z., Hassan H., Che Man S., 2017, Developing Teamwork Skills among First Year Chemical Engineering Students using Cooperative Problem-Based Learning in “Introduction to Engineering” Course, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 1105-1110.
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This study was conducted to investigate the development of teamwork skills among first year chemical engineering students using Cooperative Problem-Based Learning in “Introduction to Engineering” course. A pre and post-test questionnaire using Team Assessment Tool (TAT) established by Moore and colleagues was administered to 52 first-year chemical engineering undergraduates. This instrument is useful to measure individuals’ rate on team’s performance using 24 Likert-scale items. The main constructs for this instrument consist of interdependency, potency, goal-setting and learning. The descriptive analysis provides the mean, standard deviation and frequency to see the significance of the pre and post-test results. The paired sample t- test was used to determine the significant differences of teamwork level between at the beginning and end of the course. The results from paired sample t-test shows that there was significant increment (p < 0.05) for teamwork in its constructs like interdependency, potency, goal-setting and learning. This shows that the students have developed teamwork skills after undergoing the “Introduction to Engineering” course.
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