D-glucose Hydrogenation over Ni Based Hypercrosslinked Polysterene
Malinovsky, A.
Matveeva, V.
Sulman, E.
Doluda, V.
Stepacheva, A.
Rebrov, E.
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Malinovsky A., Matveeva V., Sulman E., Doluda V., Stepacheva A., Rebrov E., 2017, D-glucose Hydrogenation over Ni Based Hypercrosslinked Polysterene , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 613-618.
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The synthesis of highly selective catalysts for saccharides hydrogenation to sugar alcohols is of great importance in terms of increase in selectivity towards the target products and catalyst stability. In the current work catalytic D-glucose hydrogenation was studied over Ni catalysts based on hypercrosslinked polystyrene in autoclave reactor. Catalysts initial activity of HPS-Ni-25 % was found to be 1.4 kg Glu/(kg Cat*h) at 99.3 - 99.6 % D-glucose conversion. Process selectivity to sorbitol was equal to 97.6 - 97.8 %. Gluconic acid and maltitol were found in traces amounts during the analysis, while furfural can be considered as the main side products.
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