Selective Hydrogenation of Alkynols in Ethanol Medium in a Batch Mode using Polyamine-Supported Pd Catalysts
Kholkina, E.A.
Nikoshvili, L.Z.
Bykov, A.V.
Morozov, A.S.
Bessonov, I.V.
Kiwi-Minsker, L.
Sulman, E.
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Kholkina E., Nikoshvili L., Bykov A., Morozov A., Bessonov I., Kiwi-Minsker L., Sulman E., 2017, Selective Hydrogenation of Alkynols in Ethanol Medium in a Batch Mode using Polyamine-Supported Pd Catalysts , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 61, 883-888.
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Hydrogenation of triple carbon-carbon bond is of high importance and one of the main issues is the development of highly active and selective catalytic systems. Polymeric palladium-containing catalysts can serve as an alternative to traditional catalysts based on inorganic supports. In this work, the series of Pd catalysts based on highly branched polyamines were synthesized at variation of polyamine type and metal precursor nature. It was shown that the developed polyamine-based catalysts allowed achieving 99 % selectivity (at 98 % of substrate conversion) in hydrogenation of dimethylethynylcarbinol.
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