Analysis on Chemical Composition of Anti-Rhinitis Drugs and Study on Immunopharmacology
Yin, Xiaoyan
Li, Hongyong
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How to Cite

Yin X., Li H., 2017, Analysis on Chemical Composition of Anti-Rhinitis Drugs and Study on Immunopharmacology , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 62, 1261-1266.
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Based on the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this paper analyzed the pathogenesis of rhinitis caused by the deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney, and the invasion of cold, proposed the combined medicinal components of Ephedra Asarum Fuzi soup and Yupingfeng San and conducted research on the prevention and treatment of rhinitis combined with the relevant achievements in immunopharmacology, providing a theoretical reference for clinical drug development and rhinitis treatment. The conclusion of the study indicated that high dose of Biminkang could significantly inhibit the anaphylactic contraction of organism, retard the hemangiectasis caused by histamine and reduce the value of OD610. The medicinal mechanism of high-dose Biminkang is roughly the same as loratadine. Biminkang can effectively protect the nasal mucosa, reduce harmful nasal secreta, and reduce the immunopharmacology effect of MC number, EOS, SP and IgE. The treatment effect of Biminkang on IgE is superior to that of loratadine and is also superior to Xinqin granule in the reduction of EOS and MC number.
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