Catalytic Action of Biomass Carbon Sulfoacid in Fine Organic Synthesis
Wenjing, Han
Xuezhen, Li
Shulan, Yu
Xiujie, Sang
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Wenjing H., Xuezhen L., Shulan Y., Xiujie S., 2018, Catalytic Action of Biomass Carbon Sulfoacid in Fine Organic Synthesis, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 65, 547-552.
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This paper mainly studies the catalytic action of biomass carbon sulfoacid in the fine organic synthesis. The catalyst used in this study is biological bamboo charcoal sulfoacid solid. The catalytic effect of bamboo charcoal sulfoacid and other common solid acid is compared through the transesterification reaction of glycerol triacetate and methyl alcohol. The experiments show that after catalytic optimization of the transesterification reaction of glycerol triacetate and methyl alcohol, the conversion rate of glycerol triacetate is 90.3%. Meanwhile, the glycerol triacetate is relatively high, which further demonstrates the high degree of transesterification. It can be seen based on the experimental results that the catalytic activity of biomass carbon sulfoacid is relatively high; the preparation technique is simple; and it exerts little impact on the environment, which is worthy promoting.
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