Application of High Density Electrical Method in Detecting Goaf Water in Coal Mines
Yang, Mingrui
Dong, Peng
Wang, Yonggang
Yang, Zhaolong
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How to Cite

Yang M., Dong P., Wang Y., Yang Z., 2018, Application of High Density Electrical Method in Detecting Goaf Water in Coal Mines, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 66, 97-102.
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High-density electrical method is a rapid, economical and efficient method for detecting goaf water in coal mines. In this paper, firstly, the high-density electrical method was used to perform forward and inverse calculations on the numerical model of the old mine goaf, and the characteristics of geoelectric response were analysed. It can provide scientific basis for on-site detection, analysis, and interpretation of goaf features. Then, the water- accumulated goaf was explored by combining the engineering cases to make accurate description of the location and extent of the goaf area. Finally, the reliability of the geophysical prospecting was further verified through drilling case. This shall provide the effective reference materials for safe mining and water control.
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