Coal Chemical Wastewater Treatment Process Based on Computer Simulation Technology
He, Miao
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He M., 2018, Coal Chemical Wastewater Treatment Process Based on Computer Simulation Technology, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 67, 499-504.
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With a focus on coal chemical wastewater treatment, this study establishes a numerical simulation algorithm based on JAVA language for microwave-assisted coal chemical wastewater treatment, compares the testing results with the numerical simulation results, verifies the validity of the proposed numerical calculation method, and analyzes the effects of different pH values and H2O2 amount on coal chemical wastewater treatment by numerical simulation. In addition, the study analyzes the working principle of microwave-assisted coal chemical wastewater processor under multi-coupling action by calculating the electric field distribution, average power density, temperature field and concentration field in the furnace chamber. When pH = 3 and pH = 4, the removal rate of PNP in wastewater is the highest, reaching above 92.6%. When pH = 3, the reaction rate reaches 0.213/min. When H2O2 amount increases, both the removal efficiency and reaction rate of PNP increase obviously. The highest removal rate of PNP can amount to 93% and the highest reaction rate is 0.211/min. Therefore, the optimal pH value of wastewater treatment is determined to be 3, and the optimal H2O2 amount is 350mg/L.
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