Modelling of the Electrolysers Cooling System for the Fluorine Production Operator Training Simulator
Egorova, Olga V.
Liventsova, Nina V.
Liventsov, Sergey N.
Gozhimov, Aleksandr I.
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Egorova O.V., Liventsova N.V., Liventsov S.N., Gozhimov A.I., 2018, Modelling of the Electrolysers Cooling System for the Fluorine Production Operator Training Simulator , Chemical Engineering Transactions, 70, 1453-1458.
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Computer training is one of the most perspective training methods for chemical production operators. The key elements of any Operator Training Simulator (OTS) are models of technological processes and their control systems. Production of fluorine is electrochemical. The analysis of literature sources showed that the question of electrochemical production process simulation for computer training is not studied as well as in the processes of petroleum chemistry, petroleum refining and power industry. As electrochemical production is widely spread in different branches of industry, the problem solving of their simulation for computer training purposes is important today. The development results of a new mathematical model of the electrolysers cooling system for fluorine production operator training simulator are presented in the article. The suggested model consists of the modules of processes simulation, control system and abnormal situations initiate. It allows simulating the system operation in normal and some abnormal modes, excluding start up and shut down procedures. The mathematical description of the modules is based on well-known approaches and laws. However, the modules set up instruments for simulation of different operation modes of equipment simulated by them have some features of novelty. Such specific variables as “fault characteristics” present in the mathematical description of the modules of processes simulation and control system and which set up the module for simulation of the required operating mode, and the module of abnormal situations simulation setting the variables values relying on the probabilistic selection of the simulated mode refer to this novelty. The model working efficiency was initially tested by comparing the plant experimental data with the simulated experiment data and expert survey. The testing proved that simulation results meet the requirements to the model at the given development stage. Further it is planned to add the possibility to simulate the modes of start-up and shut down, electrolysers bypassing to the model, and its more complete verification.
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