Silver Nanoparticles Synthetized with Cinnamomum Camphora to Reduces Total Coliforms in Soil Agricultural, Lima Peru'
Orizano, Salumina
Benites, Elmer
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Orizano S., Benites E., 2020, Silver Nanoparticles Synthetized with Cinnamomum Camphora to Reduces Total Coliforms in Soil Agricultural, Lima Peru’, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 79, 325-330.
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The objective of this work was to Determine the percentage of total coliform reduction by applying the silver nanoparticles synthesized with the Cinnamomum camphora substrate in the agricultural soil. First, the silver nanoparticles were synthesized being the reducing agent vegetal extract of Cinnamomum camphora, this also have antiseptic properties. The synthesis gave rise to silver nanoparticles with an average size of 37 nm.
Second, it was the application of silver nanoparticles in four soil samples and in four different doses, which were 0.5 ml, 1.5 ml, 7 ml tond 10 ml and evaluated at different times. After the treatment and analysis of the total coliform concentration of the soil samples, to progressive decrease occurred ace time passed. After 72 hours, an average of 60% of the total coliform content in the agricultural soil was reduced, concluding that it is to viable way to improve the quality of the soils. However, other positive or negative impacts derived from the use of silver nanoparticles have not been yet evaluated; highlighting that the way in which nanoparticles have been synthesized is already an environmentally friendly method when not using chemical reagents.
Keywords: Silver nanoparticles silver, synthesis whit green chemistry, reduction of coliforms in soils.
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