Reduction of the Rate of Accidents at Work Through the Implementation of a Occupational Safety and Health Management System in the Industrial Electromechanical Industry.
Prince Grandez, Jefrie
López Padilla, Rosario Del Pilar
Benites-Alfaro, Elmer

How to Cite

Prince Grandez J., López Padilla R.D.P., Benites-Alfaro E., 2022, Reduction of the Rate of Accidents at Work Through the Implementation of a Occupational Safety and Health Management System in the Industrial Electromechanical Industry., Chemical Engineering Transactions, 91, 319-324.


Accidents at work in industry are very important factors that must be addressed. They often occur because of lack of a Safety and Health at Work management system (OSHS). The electromechanical industry requires the observance of different safety procedures because as it is a risky activity many equipment and mechanical tools are employed and operators must comply with established protocols so that regrettable accidents do not happen. The research aimed to reduce the rate of occupational accidents of employees of an industrial electromechanical company through the implementation of an OSHS at work. There were identified the probable causes of accidents at work during 10 weeks. The proposed implemented system took into consideration the following 5 phases: policy, scope, planning, implementation and verification. As a result of the implementation, there was a reduction in occupational accidents of about 87.5% (from 8 accidents to just 1). It confirms the need to manage risky activities safely in manufacturing companies in order to have regularity in the production processes and guarantee the health of wo