Motivating Students to Design Emission-free Processes
Lewin, Daniel R.
Zondervan, Edwin

How to Cite

Lewin D.R., Zondervan E., 2022, Motivating Students to Design Emission-free Processes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 96, 19-24.


Each of us should work to save the planet from the impending ecological disaster to the best of our abilities. As chemical engineering educators, this means recruiting the young people in our care to apply their skills to the same endeavour. This contribution presents two examples of activities currently in progress at the Technion, Israel and at the University of Twente, Holland, to achieve this aim. The first example concerns the setup of a fast moving consumer goods supply chain, balancing profit with environmental impact. The second example concerns the sustainable production of methanol from concentrated carbon dioxide streams and renewable hydrogen. These two examples illustrate how students can be motivated to design emission-free processes and are intended to feed a further discussion how sustainability can be structurally integrated in the chemical engineering curriculum.
Emission-free, sustainability, chemical engineering curriculum, education.