Turbulent Ignition Regimes in 20 L Explosion Vessel: CFD Simulations
Portarapillo, Maria
Di Benedetto, Almerinda

How to Cite

Portarapillo M., Di Benedetto A., 2023, Turbulent Ignition Regimes in 20 L Explosion Vessel: CFD Simulations, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 104, 67-72.


The understanding of the ignition process is important for many practical and fundamental applications including safety, chemical conversion, flame stabilization, and internal combustion engines operation. The ignition process can be influenced by many factors, including the pre-ignition turbulence level. Turbulence can generally be generated intentionally by the introduction of gases into the combustion chamber, but it can also occur unintentionally, for example by a sudden release of gases into the atmosphere as a result of an accident. Through the small scale 20 L CFD simulations of the ignition process of a stoichiometric methane-air mixture at different ignition energies and levels of turbulence, the present work aims to create a simple operational map that correlates the ignition energy with the degree of turbulence to understand in which areas flame propagation is successful and in which it is not. Such a tool may be useful both for evaluating the operation of internal combustion engines, where ignition and flame propagation are desired phenomena, and for a preliminary assessment of the risk and probability of ignition. This approach may also be applied in the future to other gaseous (as in the case of hydrogen), liquid, or solid systems.