Social Sustainability Analysis in Szigetköz: A Study of Four Case Locations
Kóbor, Krisztina

How to Cite

Kóbor K., 2023, Social Sustainability Analysis in Szigetköz: A Study of Four Case Locations, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 107, 463-468.


This paper is based on research that examined civil and community life in 34 settlements of Szigetköz in 2021 and 2022. A total of 337 NGOs and countless informal groups operate in the region. The examination is based on questionnaire research (43 fillings), interviews (25 pieces), observations (9 times) and document analysis, and one of the results is four case studies about four settlements (Dunasziget, Kimle, Mecsér and Gyorladamér). The goal of this paper is to summarize the knowledge related to social sustainability and analyze its operation in these settlements. The principal finding of the research is that the four settlements coped with the challenges posed by their geographical location, economic situation and infrastructural capabilities in four ways. These roads show creative solutions using local resources, which are the key to the social sustainability of settlements.