Hydrodynamics of the Nonporous Draft Tube Conical Spouted Bed Provided with a Device for Retaining Solids
Tellabide, M.
Casado, A.
Estiati, I.
Altzibar, H.
Olazar, M.
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Tellabide M., Casado A., Estiati I., Altzibar H., Olazar M., 2017, Hydrodynamics of the Nonporous Draft Tube Conical Spouted Bed Provided with a Device for Retaining Solids, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, 817-822.
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One of the main limitations of the conical spouted bed lies in its scaling up and a key parameter to solve this problem is the ratio between the inlet diameter and particle diameter. Therefore, operation with fine particles (smaller than 1 mm particle diameter) requires the use of draft tubes, but the fountain height obtained is very high, which causes severe solid entrainment. A new solid retaining device has been developed to avoid bed loosing which allows operating with higher air velocities. Thus, runs have been carried out in conical spouted beds of different geometry to ascertain the effect of the device on the minimum spouting velocity. Different contactor angles, static bed heights, device diameters and distances from the bed surface to the lower end of the device have been used. It can be concluded that the hydrodynamics of conical spouted beds with nonporous draft tube and solid retaining device is influenced by the static bed height and contactor angle, but not greatly by the device geometry.
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