Agar Gels: Kinetics of Formation and Structure
Pokusaev, B.
Vyazmin, A.
Karlov, S.
Zakharov, N.
Reznik, V.
Nekrasov, D.
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Pokusaev B., Vyazmin A., Karlov S., Zakharov N., Reznik V., Nekrasov D., 2017, Agar Gels: Kinetics of Formation and Structure, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, 1327-1332.
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The idea that gels can be used as a carrier during the formation of ordered bio-structured elements for additive medical technology is promising. For this experimental study we use gels based on agarose. Such gels are appropriate for additive technologies used in 3D printing for the creation of matrix of bioreactors. The kinetics of formation and structure of different density gels are investigated using an optical method. The decomposition of the radiation spectrum allows us to get detailed information about the nature of the gel.
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